Tough Mudder tales: What you can expect and why I’m inspired to try more


If you’re reading this, you’re most likely thinking about participating in a Tough Mudder Mud Run (TM) and are very excited about it. Or one of your friends has somehow coaxed you into signing your life away and you will need to be dragged to the course on race day.

Last month, I was in the latter camp—having no want or desire to run in mud puddles (which were even deeper than I thought) and climb things for half a day, only to be sore for the rest of the week. I could think of a million better ways to spend my weekend (e.g., Netflix, food, napping, etc.).


For a little background of this writing: This spring, I told my old Michigan State University dorm roommate, Will Gill, that since I was already traveling across the country so much, I might as well start a travel blog. He took me up on my offer (called my bluff), and invited Storia to check out Tough Mudder in Central Texas.

Last year, he became a national “Muddervational Speaker” a.k.a. TM National Start Line Emcee. Since then, I’ve seen a lot of his social media posts about TM, but they didn’t motivate me to ever want to challenge myself to an obstacle course race. 

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Vegas, baby! Here’s how you can get the most bang for your buck


Vegas, baby!

If you are reading this article, you have most likely been tasked with the high honor of organizing a Las Vegas trip for a bachelor or bachelorette party, significant other, reunion, conference or seminar, or anything else out there worth celebrating.

This post is written with the express intent of providing valuable tips for those who are seeking to get the most bang for the buck during their initial foray into the land of excess. Notice I did not say the cheapest tips. I have found that there are hundreds of cheap deals for “The Strip” that aren’t any good. And there are thousands of places on the internet to look for such promotions.

For a little background of this writing, I’ve been to Vegas several times. After each visit, I’ve sworn never to return. But somehow, someway a friend or two coaxes me into revisiting. I’m always amazed witnessing the evolution of the city every time I reunite with this fair maiden.

Last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, I visited the Silver City with five other couples. As the perceived resident expert, I was the Sherpa of this mountain-climbing expedition —— responsible for authoring the agenda, shepherding the herd, and planning our big nutrition breaks.

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