10 attitudes of successful workers by Kate Lorenz, Careerbuilder.com Editor

Why do some people seem to reach the top of the corporate ladder easily, while others remain stuck on the middle-management rung? You might think that it is just because those people have more of what it takes to succeed, like brains, talent and powerful people in their corner. But there is something else that is just as important: attitude.

Dr. Martin Seligman, an authority on optimism, discovered that attitude was a better predictor of success than I.Q., education and most other factors. He found that positive people stay healthier, have better relationships and go further in their careers. And he even found that positive people make more money.

Anyone can adopt the right attitude. No matter where you are from or how much innate talent you have, the right attitude can make a difference in your career. Try adopting these 10 attitudes of successful workers:

1. I am in charge of my destiny.
If you spend your entire career waiting for something exciting to come to you, you will be waiting a long time. Successful professionals go out and make good things happen. So commit yourself to thinking about your career in an entirely different way. You will make it to the top, and you are in charge of making it happen.

2. Anything is possible.
Think that there is no way you will ever be at the vice-president level? Then you definitely won’t. Remember: If you think you can’t, you probably won’t. Adopt the attitude of The Little Engine That Could — “I think I can.”

3. No task is too small to do well.
You never know when you are going to be noticed. That is one reason to take pride in your work — all of it. One public relations executive in Chicago said that her first task in the PR department of a ballet company was reorganizing the supply closet. She tackled the project with gusto and was immediately noticed for her hard work and attention to detail. Remember this the next time you feel like slacking because you are working on a menial task.

4. Everyone is a potential key contact.
While you do need to be aggressive in the workplace, you can also go far by being nice to those around you. Do you think it’s unimportant to establish a good rapport with your boss’s secretary? Well, just try getting your meeting squeezed onto the schedule when you really need it. Be courteous to those around you — you never know when your past contacts will play a role in your future.

5. I was made to do this job… and the one above me.
If you spend your days feeling like you are not cut out to do the work you are responsible for, your performance will suffer. Your job may not be the perfect fit, but successful workers act like they are in their dream job, no matter where they are.

6. It’s not just what I know, but who I know.
Successful workers understand the importance of networking, both in and out of the office. You need to proactively establish professional contacts. Invite a colleague out to lunch. Go to the after-work happy hour. Join your professional association. Do your part to establish a networking path for your future.

7. What else can I do?
Since you are in charge of your destiny, it’s your job to look for ways to improve your professional self. Volunteer to take on an extra project. Learn a new skill that will make you more marketable. Stay late to help your co-workers. Successful workers don’t just complete the job and sign out — they look for additional ways to make their mark.

8. Failure will help pave the way to my success.
While it seems like some people never experience setbacks, the truth is everyone fails from time to time. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they deal with failure. Those who find success are the ones who learn from mistakes and move on.

9. I am my own biggest fan.
Have you been waiting for someone in the office to recognize your talents and efforts? Maybe it’s time you start tooting your own horn. Step up and talk about your accomplishments and what you have done for the company. Successful workers know how to point out their achievements without sounding boastful.

10. My opportunity monitor is never turned off.
Yes, there will be days when you will want to just be happy with the status quo. But remember that successful workers are always on the lookout for opportunities to improve. Keep your eyes, ears and your mind open to new opportunities — you never know when you will discover the one that will change the course of your career!

6 steps for effective communication -PluginHD

The following are 6 steps on how to become a more effective communicator.

Commit: If you want to become a better communicator you must commit to improvement. Begin to take notice of how you act during a typical conversation. Do you interrupt frequently? Do you reject other people’s ideas when they don’t resonate with your own? Do you talk as if you know everything? Making the effort to listen will help you remarkably in your relationships.

Don’t Interrupt: In order to effectively communicate you cannot, I repeat,cannot interrupt. Far too often we get so caught up in our own ideas that we blurt out in hopes of gaining control. It’s important that you let the entire message be conveyed before you give your input. When you interrupt you’re robbing the person’s chance to express his or herself fully. Don’t interrupt, you’ll have your chance to speak.

Put Down Your Shield: Many times when we have conversations we go into a discussion with preconceived notions which blocks our ability to learn and understand. Obviously it’s ok for you to have an opinion but, for you to genuinely listen you must open yourself up fully. It’s OK if you don’t agree with what’s being said, embrace any conversation as a place to learn.

You Don’t Know It All: Have you ever said ” That’s not right” without actually knowing? I know I have. The truth is, you don’t know everything so don’t pretend like you do. Instead of being a know-it-all welcome the fact that you have a lot to learn. When you admit you don’t know everything you’re open to listen with an entirely different perspective which significantly increases communication.

Focus: When talking with someone it’s important to give them your full attention. In our age of distraction, we have hundreds of things going on during a typical conversation which ends up taking away meaning. You can’t listen to someone talk while you’re texting on your cell phone. You cant listen to someone talk while you’re day dreaming. You can’t listen when you’re watching T.V. Only by focusing on the conversation at hand can you really take away the significance of what’s being said.

Care: Care about what’s being said. Care about the ideas being discussed. When you’re interested in what’s being it allows for the conversation to flow. We all know when someone isn’t interested in what we have to say. Don’t waste people’s time pretending you’re being attentive when you’re not. Give people the respect they deserve.

If you’re currently struggling with your relationships put in the effort to improve. For the next few days focus on becoming a becoming a better communicator by sincerely listening. You may be surprised by the results.